Friday, January 4, 2013

"She's a bass!"

When I get sick, I lose my voice.  When it comes back, it starts in the lower registers first.  This makes me sound very different from my normal self, as demonstrated in this phone call (note: I am an only child):

Dad: "Hello?"
me: "Hey Dad."
Dad: "Hello?"
me (straining to be louder): "Hey Dad."
Dad (totally puzzled): "Dad...?"
me: "Can you hear me?"
Dad: "Who is this?"
me: "It's (me)."
Dad (dead serious): "No, it can't be."
me (trying to scream): "It's me.  My voice is ruined because I'm sick."
Dad: "Wow.  I never would have recognized you.  What happened to your voice?"
me: *headdesk*

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