Thursday, February 17, 2011

You Are Beautiful

Today on twitter, one of the trending topics is #youarebeautiful. Normally I don't pay much attention, but The Bloggess asked her followers to share the reasons they are beautiful. Our "assignment" really made me think. What do I love about myself? I've mentioned previously that I suffered from depression (still do, but the medication makes it a negligible influence these days), so finding reasons to love myself is still somewhat difficult for me.

The response I gave was: "I am resilient. Somehow, even when the world seems dark, I find a way to believe in myself and keep going."

This is true. I've been having a tough year, with lots of stress coming from various sources, but I keep telling myself that I'll get through it. And somehow, I will. I've been in tough spots before, feeling like a failure, and I've always managed to get through it, and come out the other end stronger. I'll do it again.

Why else do I love myself?

  • I care about others. I'm a self-described "bleeding heart." I genuinely like people, and I want to help. I feel that my purpose in life is help others, to improve the world in some way. That's what drives me.
  • I give others the benefit of the doubt, probably to the point of naivete. I always try to assume that other people have good intentions, and to try to understand their point of view even when I don't agree.
  • I try not to let the small things bother me. Life is so precious, it seems silly to waste time and effort worrying about little irritations.
  • I have a good sense of humor and love to laugh at myself. I try really hard not to take myself too seriously.
  • I am strong. Not physically, but mentally. I have a lot of willpower and determination. I know I can get through whatever life throws at me without breaking.
What makes you beautiful?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

They're practically the same movie!

Recently, I spent a weekend visiting some friends. Since a few of them had never seen "Rocky Horror Picture Show", we watched it. Then, being in the mood for another movie in which Tim Curry is ridiculous, we watched "Clue." And it struck me that there are similarities between the two:

1) Tim Curry stars in them (duh)
2) Both include scenes of a dinner party gone wrong
3) The butler did it (ok ok, technically Riff-raff is a "handyman." I think my point stands.)
4) The "bad guy" gets kneed in the groin
5) Aggressive dogs keep people from leaving
6) Both take place in a castle / mansion in the US
7) It's raining when the guests arrive
8) The guests don't know what they're eating until it's too late
9) Someone comes "back from the dead", only to be killed again a short while later (Eddie, Mr. Boddy)
10) Alcoholic beverages get splashed all over the table, in between glasses.