Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Who would you meet?

If you could meet anyone (real, not fictional characters), alive or from history, who would you want to meet?
The way I've come up with a list is to imagine that I'm going to have lunch with someone, and I try to figure out who would be really interesting to talk to, and who I think I'd actually get along with.

My list:
Fred Rogers
Fr. Hesburgh (I've met him, actually, and he's completely awesome)
Richard Feynman and Isaac Asimov
Fareed Zakaria
Archibald MacLeish

Separately, here's a list of people I feel I could learn a lot from, but I think I'd be too intimidated to actually be able to speak in their presence:
Martin Luther King Jr. / Frederick Douglass / Lucretia Mott
Gene Krantz
Nancy Pelosi
Richard Branson
Thomas Edison
Buzz Aldrin
Bob Gates / Maj. Gen. Doug Stone

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