Monday, August 27, 2007

I Don't Exist

I love being told by a computer that I don't exist. Keeps me humble.

To explain...I'm starting grad school today, so the professor sent an email saying "Welcome class! Sign into webct and print off the course notes." I tried. The system said I was an unidentified user.

So I called tech support and explained the problem. After a few minutes of trouble-shooting, the guy on the other end of the phone mused, "Hmmm, that's interesting. According to our system, you don't exist."

Slightly befuddled, I explained that I do exist (at least as far as I can tell). The tech guy assured me that he had yet to meet any phone-calling ghosts, and that he'd put in a request to have the system recognize me.

I picture a bunch of tech guys in long robes, bowing and chanting in front of a server, "Oh great computer, we humbly ask you to deign to recognize this poor grad student..."

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