The response I gave was: "I am resilient. Somehow, even when the world seems dark, I find a way to believe in myself and keep going."
This is true. I've been having a tough year, with lots of stress coming from various sources, but I keep telling myself that I'll get through it. And somehow, I will. I've been in tough spots before, feeling like a failure, and I've always managed to get through it, and come out the other end stronger. I'll do it again.
Why else do I love myself?
- I care about others. I'm a self-described "bleeding heart." I genuinely like people, and I want to help. I feel that my purpose in life is help others, to improve the world in some way. That's what drives me.
- I give others the benefit of the doubt, probably to the point of naivete. I always try to assume that other people have good intentions, and to try to understand their point of view even when I don't agree.
- I try not to let the small things bother me. Life is so precious, it seems silly to waste time and effort worrying about little irritations.
- I have a good sense of humor and love to laugh at myself. I try really hard not to take myself too seriously.
- I am strong. Not physically, but mentally. I have a lot of willpower and determination. I know I can get through whatever life throws at me without breaking.