If I ever meet Rupert Murdoch, I will punch him in the face. Seriously - what is his deal? It's apparently not even a business decision:
"What is puzzling to analysts and industry executives — including some within the News Corporation — is that none of this makes much sense as a business proposition to aid The Journal, especially at a time when newspapers are struggling through a long-term financial decline. But for Mr. Murdoch, the chairman and chief executive of the company, these people say, profit is not necessarily what all this is about.
For him, newspapering is a blood sport...
...in the News Corporation’s planning discussions about the local New York section, the talk has been less about what The Journal would gain than about “killing The New York Times,” according to several people with direct knowledge of the preparations, who asked for anonymity to discuss what are supposed to be secret matters. “It’s not an economic decision,” one of them said. ..
...Alan D. Mutter, a media analyst and consultant, recently wrote on his Reflections of a Newsosaur blog that “no meaningful business advantage can be gained” from the venture, making it “nothing more than an expensive ego trip aimed at kicking the N.Y.T. while it’s down.” "
In other words, he's (something I refuse to print). He just wants to destroy The Times. No real reason - just malice.
What a (something I refuse to print).